Professional staff and content-rich curriculum that challenges students at all levels to achieve.
Small communities within the school that enable students to form strong relationships with their peers and adults.
A welcoming and respectful environment for each family, and opportunities for families to be involved in many aspects of the school.
An emphasis on each student’s positive character development through role-modeling, curricular emphasis, and community service.
Financial accountability and stewardship of resources in a way that enables our school to be sustainable.
Provide Early Start which allows parents who work the opportunity to bring their students to a safe and secure environment before school starts. This allows students who participate in free or reduced-cost food programs the opportunity to have breakfast.
Provide After School programs such as intramural sports, music instruction, and tutoring classes which allow students to be in a safe and secure environment until their parents arrive. Our after-school program provides a safe, enriching, supportive environment for students of all ages and is geared at helping our students achieve their highest potential. As a means of meeting the growing need of the families in our communities, Kids First Charter Academy provides high-quality after-school programming free of charge.
To research and provide technology for a better learning environment and prepare students for tomorrow’s careers.
To provide a safe and secure atmosphere for students to learn and excel without fear of bullying or outside forces that might attempt to harm them.
To incorporate in their daily classes, the philosophy that education is the key to a productive and for filling life.